Many people after thirty years have felt pain in the lower back at least once. At the age of sixty, this discomfort occurs in 80% of people. Almost always, the cause is lumbar osteochondrosis. This pathology causes the development of unpleasant symptoms and can greatly impair the quality of human life. To prevent the development of negative consequences, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in time.
Clinical features of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
This disease is widespread, because it is the lower back that most often suffers from high loads. The lumbar region contains five vertebrae and also connects the sacrum with the thoracic region. The intervertebral discs, made up of the nucleus pulposus, give it flexibility. These elements are located within the fibrous ring.
Osteochondrosis causes a lack of nutrients in the discs. Because of this, they become less elastic. In addition, their height is small. The reduction of the distance between the vertebrae provokes the violation of the nerve roots. As a result, tangible pain occurs in the lumbar region.
In the initial stage, the symptoms of osteochondrosis are mild and may even be completely absent. However, further progression of the disease leads to back and leg pain and numbness may develop.
After the changes spread, the ability to repair the spine decreases. Sometimes hernias and subluxations appear - these disorders are associated with pain. Later, a rupture of the disc and pinching of the nerve endings can also occur.
With the subsequent development of the disease, the vessels, ligaments and spinal cord begin to participate in the process. Bone growths can develop. In the last stage, paralysis and paresis develop. Sometimes the functioning of the pelvic organs is disrupted.
In young people, the disease progresses continuously. In old age, pathology may not manifest itself in any way, despite the presence of changes. If the treatment of the disease is not started on time, very dangerous consequences can develop.
The pathology is irreversible, and its symptoms are directly determined by the degree:
- First degree. During this period, pathological processes occur in the nucleus pulposus. There is discomfort associated with irritation of the nerve endings. They can be sharp or aching in nature. If spasms of the large arteries of the thigh occur, blood circulation is disturbed, which is fraught with the appearance of pathologies of the arteries of the legs.
- Second degree. The destruction of the fibrous ring progresses. Due to the loss of stability, the vertebrae become too mobile. As a result, the muscle tissue is overloaded. The patient has severe fatigue of the lower back muscles, a feeling of discomfort.
- Third grade. The fibrous ring breaks down, which leads to the release of the contents of the nucleus pulposus. This process causes the formation of a hernia. There are root syndromes. Initially, the patient feels a high sensitivity in the affected area, a burning sensation, tingling, numbness. Sometimes the sensitivity can disappear completely. In severe cases, paralysis and muscle atrophy develop.
- Fourth degree. The work of the vertebrae, the structure of the joints and ligaments is disrupted. Joint arthrosis develops. Pain can go away, the supportive function of the spine is restored, but the amplitude in it is significantly reduced. The fourth degree is characterized by a variety of symptoms of the disease.
The reasons

More than a third of patients with such osteochondrosis have problems with the liver or digestive organs. In the presence of such deviations, tension and spasms of the muscles and blood vessels occur, which provoke oxygen starvation and the appearance of dystrophic abnormalities. These processes are aggravated by metabolic disturbances.
The appearance of this form of osteochondrosis is often the result of congestion of the pelvic organs. They can be associated with constipation, colitis, hemorrhoids. In women, such problems are the result of inflammation of the appendages, and in men - prostatitis.
Causes of osteochondrosis also include the following:
- Lack of physical activity.
- Diseases of the joints.
- Digestive problems.
- Back injury.
- Pathology of the heart and blood vessels.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
- Problems with the spine.
- Inflammation.
- Flat feet.
- Increased physical activity.
- Disorder of metabolism.
- Age changes.
There are also risk factors that greatly increase the likelihood of developing lumbar osteochondrosis:
- overweight;
- inheritance;
- irrational nutrition;
- violation of posture;
- long stay in an uncomfortable position;
- chronic sleep deprivation;
- frequent stress;
- hypothermia.
Symptoms and signs
The disease manifests itself in the form of pain syndrome and can have a different character. Osteochondrosis is characterized by sensations of pulling, pain and cutting. Discomfort can be felt not only in the leg, but also in the coccyx or lower chest.
The photo shows the pain syndrome in osteochondrosis in the lumbar spine

In addition to pain, there are such violations:
- muscle tension;
- problems in the reproductive system;
- violation of the menstrual cycle in women;
- constipation;
- change of posture;
- asymmetry of the buttocks;
- loss of sensation;
- fatigue;
- tingling and cold in the legs;
- loss of business;
- insomnia;
- emotional instability.
The exacerbation of osteochondrosis is usually the result of careless movement or a high load. In addition, relapse of the disease often occurs due to hypothermia. Sharp pains can be felt not only in the lower back, but often affect the lower limbs. During an exacerbation, a person tries to find a comfortable position to achieve the disappearance of the pain.
Symptoms of lumbosacral osteochondrosis
This form of the disorder is also characterized by back pain. They can be felt in the lower back or in the leg near the sciatic nerve. Manifestations of the disease do not occur immediately, but approximately in the second stage of the development of the disease.
At first, they make themselves felt during careless movements or loads. But over time, the pain is constantly present and has a painful character. Sometimes there are exacerbations when the discomfort becomes more pronounced. In advanced cases, pain appears when sneezing, coughing, making light exertion.
When the nerve endings are pinched, a radicular syndrome develops, characterized by such manifestations:
- shootings in the back;
- loss of sensation in the limbs;
- tingling in the legs;
- weakening of tendon reflexes;
- violation of sweating;
- coldness of the legs;
- muscle weakness.
As the disease progresses, the back loses its flexibility, and any change in body position or load leads to intense pain. As a result, mobility is limited, a person has difficulty in bending over, muscle spasms.
If you ignore the symptoms of osteochondrosis, sooner or later the disease will lead to negative consequences. With a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae, the vessels are pinched, which leads to problems with feeding the spinal cord.
As a result, pain, muscle weakness, loss of reflexes appear. Enuresis, fecal incontinence, paralysis of the lower limbs can develop.
Another dangerous complication is a hernia. It also causes severe pain and compression of the spinal cord. As a result, the legs can lose sensitivity, reflexes disappear. Sometimes the work of the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems is disrupted. Digestion problems can also occur.
This form of osteochondrosis can cause spinal instability. Under the influence of gravity, the lower back appears to slide off the sacrum. For women, this condition is fraught with problems with internal organs: ovaries, uterus, appendages. Men can develop impotence due to this disorder.
Lumbar osteochondrosis often causes problems with blood circulation in the spinal cord. Another consequence is compression myelopathy. In connection with the narrowing of the spinal canal, problems with the spinal cord appear.
However, the more complex condition is the "ponytail" syndrome, which is considered a consequence of a violation of the nerve roots. In advanced situations it can cause paralysis and paresis of the limbs.
Diagnostic methods
To diagnose osteochondrosis, the doctor examines the patient's medical history and conducts a visual examination. Common blood and urine tests are also done. With their help, other serious diseases can be excluded.
An important criterion is the assessment of the condition of the legs. It is important to determine the condition of the skin, blood vessels, muscle tone. Women are also referred for a consultation with a gynecologist. Men need to be examined by a urologist.
The following types of diagnostics are required:
- radiography;
- CT scan;
- Magnetic resonance.
How to treat
For the treatment of the disease, medical, physiotherapeutic and surgical techniques can be used. The main goal is to eliminate the manifestations of the disease and prevent their development.
Of the drugs used anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Be sure to take vitamins of group B. To cope with psychogenic disorders, sedatives and anticonvulsants are used. During an exacerbation, novocaine blockade can be used.
Of the non-drug therapies, therapeutic exercises, acupuncture and massage are the most effective. You can also do electrophoresis and phonophoresis. If conservative methods do not give results, an operation is performed.
Lumbar osteochondrosis is considered to be a rather dangerous pathology that can lead to extremely negative health consequences. To prevent this from happening, it is very important to see a doctor in case of back discomfort.