During osteochondrosis, a violation of the cartilage joints occurs, salts are deposited. There are various reasons for its appearance. Treatment of osteochondrosis at home in combination with the doctor's prescriptions gives a positive effect. The important thing is not to self-medicate, but always consult a specialist in order not to have complications.
The principle of home treatment
When treating osteochondrosis of the thoracic, lumbar or cervical spine, mistakes are often made. Basically, the symptoms are removed, but the disease itself must progress. Later, pain and discomfort appear after a while. Therefore, using pain relievers alone will not bring much benefit.
It is possible to cure osteochondrosis at home. It is worth doing the necessary exercises, massages and other procedures, then the health of the spine can be restored again.
The most important thing is to identify the causes of the disease that need to be eliminated. Of course, it is desirable to get rid of muscle spasms to treat. One of the most popular causes of osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions is poor mobility and fatty foods. But, basically, cartilage degradation occurs due to poor oxygen supply to them and all due to the fact that blood does not flow well to the back muscles.

In addition to various medications, doctors advise patients to treat osteochondrosis at home. For this you need:
- perform physical exercises;
- stick to a diet;
- reconsider your lifestyle;
- adequate sleep and rest;
- choose the right bed.
The result will appear only when you systematically follow the doctor's instructions.
Elimination of the causes of the disease
Basically, there is no reason for the appearance of osteochondrosis of the thoracic, cervical or lumbar regions. Therefore, to restore blood flow, a whole program is needed.
To get rid of the pathology, one should not forget about everything that affects the damage to the vertebrae.
Diet. Often the cause of osteochondrosis is the accumulation of cholesterol, and as a result of this, the vessels lose their elasticity and blood flow is disturbed. To improve their condition, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that have a lot of cholesterol: pork, meat broths, eggs, fatty foods. Coffee, strong tea and alcohol have a negative effect on the work of blood vessels. But nicotine, which enters the body, leads to vasospasm. Therefore, it is best to lead a healthy lifestyle, especially for those who are being treated for osteochondrosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis at home requires the restoration of blood circulation. To do this, there are a lot of physical exercises and wraps.
Orthopedic mattresses and accessories for healthy sleep. For the whole day, a person receives a large load on the spine, so he needs the correct position during sleep. And this can allow for a good orthopedic mattress, as well as a pillow. They allow blood to circulate well during sleep.
Methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis at home
Osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions is a complex disease. This is just to treat it at home is not difficult. The main thing is to systematically follow all the instructions, it is better to do all this in a complex. That means:
- therapeutic exercises, which improve the condition of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle;
- it is worthwhile to carry out self-massage: rub, stroke;
- there are many recipes in traditional medicine that are worth using (rubs, compresses, ointments);
- do not forget about herbal baths that help get rid of pain;
- there are several methods of Chinese medicine that have gained great popularity (acupuncture, acupressure);
- there are special devices (Lyapko applicator and Kuznetsov applicator) that help get rid of osteochondrosis of the thoracic, lumbar and cervical regions;
- a physiotherapist can attach special magnets with which it is possible to create a magnetic field in the house.

Chinese medicine is also making progress, offering herbal sachets and patches. They must be applied at night. But most importantly, they will be effective in combination, so do not forget about acupressure, acupuncture. Such procedures are recommended by Chinese experts.
Special massage tables also appear, with the help of which it is possible to achieve a good result in the treatment of diseases of the thoracic, lumbar and cervical spine.
Therefore, at home, you can use many methods that exist in current medicine. The most important thing is to do them regularly, which will stop damage to the discs between the vertebrae.
As soon as the symptoms began to noticeably disappear, it is necessary to have a massage. Since not everyone has the opportunity to visit massage therapists, you can carry out the procedures yourself. The easiest way to do this is on the neck. It is worth starting the massage by stroking the palm of your hand, then starting to rub the body with your fingers.
Stretching the whole back is difficult. It is best to massage with the pads of the thumbs and fists. You can also do back rolls when your hands are intertwined behind your feet. Therefore, the muscles are massaged by the weight of the body.

There are also many devices that will help you massage at home. They are different in appearance and in price, but very effective.
Any massage should be performed on clean skin, when there are no inflammatory processes.
Massage is contraindicated for those who have problems with the respiratory system and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
So, the treatment of osteochondrosis at home brings a very good result. The main thing is to do everything comprehensively and systematically.